24-hour calendar


Mogobu The Fool

I need to set up a new base calendar to use in the Global to support task
scheduling in a 24x7 environment. I read that a 24-hour base calendar is
supplied with Project, but I can find no such calendar in the current
Enterprise Global Template (I was not with the company when Project Server
was deployed.)

What are the proper start/stop time settings to use?

(Note that we do not use or plan to use resource calendars and scheduling,
timesheet tracking, or other such features; we only plan tasks and the
working time windows for the tasks, our 24-hour operations teams will
implement according to schedule.)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mobobu the Fool --

You are no fool, my friend! :) To answer your question, create a new 24x7
calendar using the following steps:

1. Click Tools - Enterprise Options - Open Enterprise Global
2. Click Tools - Change Working Time
3. Click the New button
4. Name your new calendar, select the "Create new base calendar" option,
and then click OK
5. Select the column headers for all seven days of the Week (select from
Sunday through Saturday)
6. Select the "Nondefault working time" option
7. Set the "From" time to 12:00 AM and set the "To" time to 12:00 AM
8. Click the OK button
9. Save and close the Enterprise Global file
10. Exit and relaunch Microsoft Project Professional

Hope this helps.

Mogobu The Fool

Yes, it was helpful. I wish I saw your reply sooner! I spent a long time
finding a way to modify all weekdays, as opposed to entering each month... I
didn't realize that clicking the column headers select that day of the week.

Most importantly, I initially set the time span from 12 am to 11:59 pm,
based on the defaults in the 24-hour base calendar for the file version of an
MS Project. This, of course, causes one-minute irregularities in tasks that
span the midnight hour. I'm adjusting the times now.

Thanks, again!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mogobu --

The easiest way would be to delete your old 24 hours calendar and then
create the new one per my directions. Hope this helps.



I have scoured your book and my Microsoft publications in search of how to
delete a resource calendar and have not found how to do this. I see no
option on the change working times screens either. What's the trick?

We are using Project Server 2003 with enterprise calendars.

Dale Howard [MVP]

db --

Open the Enterprise Global file, then click Tools - Organizer - Calendars.
Select the calendar you wish to delete from the list on the right (in the
Enterprise Global) and then click the Delete button. Hope this helps.


Hello Dale, is there a way to rename the calendar? I can delete a enterprise
calendar, however when I attempt to rename, I get a message: "The project
contains non-enterprise calendars. . ."

Thanks in advance for your help!


Dale Howard [MVP]

Roger --

Odd. Are you checking out the Enterprise Global before you attempt to
rename a Calendar? Let us know.


Yes, that is correct, I checkout the Enterprise Global. Like I sad, I can
delete them, but not rename/


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