24 Hour/Day Schedule



I'm trying to develop a schedule for a 24 hr/day project, including all
resources. There will be two crews on this project working from 6:00 AM to
6:00 PM for the first shift. The 2nd shift will work from 6:00 PM to 6:00
AM. I can only assume that I would develop a day shift resource and a night
shift resource and assign the work hours accordingly? Also, the Gant chart
does not appear to depict the correct start time of 6:00, it defaults to
8:00. I would like to have the works hours accurately shown on the Gant
chart for both shifts. This is most likely a simple question for those more
experienced - regardless I am hopeful to receive some help. Thanks in

Steve House [MVP]

The best bet is to create two calendars, one showing the day shift hours and
the other the night shift. The night shift calendar has some special issues
as end time must be later than start time so simply entering "start" as 6pm
and "end" as 6 am won't do it. Instead you'll need one entry for each day
showing hours of work from 12mid to 6am and a second entry for 6pm to
12mid. Picking a day, say Wednesday the first entry is the portion of the
work done by the shift coming in the prveious night that actually happens on
Wed morning while the other entry is for the group coming in Wed night and
going home Thur morning. I didn't include lunch period but you really
should take that into account as well. Pick the calendar that is most
representative of most of the task in your project as the project calendar.
When you detail out your resources, assig the base calendar for the daytime
crew to them and the evening calendar to the evening crew as their base


and for the start of the project, ensure that your date format displays time
as well -tools / options / view -date format
and then set it under project / project information - start date
you might also like to ensure that you've selected the 24hr calendar in the
calendar drop down box in this screen as well.


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