24 hour Time Sheet



Checked for templates but didn't find one for this:
We are a 24/7 facility in which there are a number of
people that work the overnight shift. They begin during
the evening around 22:00 and work until the following
morning, 8:00. Other than making the next day hours as
32:00 (for 8:00) we have been unable to create a formula
that correctly calculates the time. Can you help?
PS There are also meal breaks in between.

Peo Sjoblom


or using cell refs


where B2 holds the end and A2 the start time.


ColA= day of week - Start on Row9
B = Start Time - All Times entered as 9:00 or 22:00
C = Time Out (lunch)
D = Time In (back from lunch)
E = End Time
F = Ttl Hours Present =((E9-B9+(E9<B9))*24)*AND(B9<>0,E9<>0)
G = Ttl Hours Worked =IF(F9>0,((E9-B9+(E9<B9))-(D9-C9+(D9<C9)))*24,0)
H = Hours Reg (Straight Time) Pay =MIN(8,G9)
I = Hours O.T. (Calif. Rules - over 8 per day)
J = Hours Dbl. Time (over 12 per day) =MAX(0,G9-12)


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Checked for templates but didn't find one for this:
We are a 24/7 facility in which there are a number of
people that work the overnight shift. They begin during
the evening around 22:00 and work until the following
morning, 8:00. Other than making the next day hours as
32:00 (for 8:00) we have been unable to create a formula
that correctly calculates the time. Can you help?
PS There are also meal breaks in between.


Just remembered something I picked up from Peo a while ago about entering

*Temporarily* use Auto Correct!

Go to <Tools> <AutoCorrect>
And in "Replace With", enter a period (.)
And in "With", enter a colon :))
Then <OK>

Most of the office staff is proficient in working "Ten Key", so the period
(decimal point) is almost second nature to them for easy and fast number

And of course, after the time cards are done, just go and change things back
to normal by deleting the alteration.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

ColA= day of week - Start on Row9
B = Start Time - All Times entered as 9:00 or 22:00
C = Time Out (lunch)
D = Time In (back from lunch)
E = End Time
F = Ttl Hours Present =((E9-B9+(E9<B9))*24)*AND(B9<>0,E9<>0)
G = Ttl Hours Worked =IF(F9>0,((E9-B9+(E9<B9))-(D9-C9+(D9<C9)))*24,0)
H = Hours Reg (Straight Time) Pay =MIN(8,G9)
I = Hours O.T. (Calif. Rules - over 8 per day)
J = Hours Dbl. Time (over 12 per day) =MAX(0,G9-12)


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Checked for templates but didn't find one for this:
We are a 24/7 facility in which there are a number of
people that work the overnight shift. They begin during
the evening around 22:00 and work until the following
morning, 8:00. Other than making the next day hours as
32:00 (for 8:00) we have been unable to create a formula
that correctly calculates the time. Can you help?
PS There are also meal breaks in between.

The Mighty Dad

I must've missed something here. I set up the autocorrect as shown below.

I typed 07.31 into cell A4 and the autocorrect turned it into 7:26
I typed 0731 and it turned it into 00:00 (proving the cell formatting was

Any ideas on what I did wrong.


Randall Roberts


I have emailed you a working
Spreadsheet that should fit your needs



AutoCorrect should be set up to *only* replace the period or decimal (.)
with a colon:)).
0731 does *not* contain *any* punctuation !

This procedure is intended to reduce the number of keystrokes when entering
data that requires a colon (shift+;), to a simple period (.).


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I must've missed something here. I set up the autocorrect as shown below.

I typed 07.31 into cell A4 and the autocorrect turned it into 7:26
I typed 0731 and it turned it into 00:00 (proving the cell formatting was

Any ideas on what I did wrong.


The Mighty Dad

I know that. I entered 0731 into the cell to confirm formatting only. I
fixed the problem so it now works properly. I also wrote a macro that will
start the autocorrect and another to stop the autocorrect. Thanks.


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