24 hr. Work scheduleing


Dougie Robertson

WE operate 24/7 and the projects will run over approximatly 10 days, there is
multiple teams on 12 hr shifts and I have resorses split to DAYSHIFT &
NIGHTSHIFT resorce calanders.

When entering the team members, the gantt chart is lenthening the bar way
beyond the job time, but it still says 3 hours for example. Yet I have a bar
of 15, 16 hours.

The resorses are from the correct shift to be working but it still changes
things. Also the safety meetings at the begining of the shift with all the
shift tend to completly muck up the resorce allocations.

How do I keep the task lenth correct, regardless of who is allocated?

CAn I change the times to the 24 hr. clock and get rid of the AM & PM.


Work = Duration x %allocation x hrs/day resource works

Task type can be fixed duration, fixed work or fixed units, you need
to decide. Default is fixed units.
Effort driven really means share work between resources, suggest you
turn off.

Tip is to play with a task with a couple of resources and you will
find behaviour of MS Project is quite predicatble, it will do what it
is told, you need to learn how to instruct it.

Hope that helps

Dougie Robertson

THanks Marty,

That worked and tided things up, however, I find that I have to go in and
change that on every single task, of which there is many, can that be done
automatically for all tasks?

Also, is there a way to switch to the 24 Hr. clock, as AM & PM is very
confusing, especially on the gantt chart at the top!

Mike Glen

Hi Dougie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Select the All button (the one immediately above the ID column) and all
tasks will be selected. Now Project/Task Information/Advanced tab and
change the Task type: setting to what you want and OK. This will change all
selected tasks at once.

You might also like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #11 on task types, at this site:
http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Dougie Robertson

Bingo! Brilliant, that's exactly what I wanted to konw, I figured there had
to be a way to do set job times automatically, My projects are all based on
offshore platforms with tasks usually lasting 2-6 hours and the shifts 12
hours. As equipmnet is so large, there is allways more than one person
working on it, and adding manpower does not speed the process up, it just
makes it possible at all! So, A task that takes a Crane driver, 2 Roughnecks
and a mechanic, will still take the same ammount of time, with all resorces
allocated to that task for 100%, even if I then rethink it and add a
roustabout. CAn the formula's accept this?

Also, you start off with the 24 Hr. clock in you're example, (work starts
08:00, and finishes at 17:00) I only get the option of AM and PM. how's this

Mike Glen

You're welcome, Dougie :)

The 24hr clock is a Windows setting (in Control Panel) and if you change
that it will change for all Windows programs.

Project will adjust to changes you make. Try it and see what it does. I
would be inclined to look at assigning a team of operators rather than
individuals. You can then add or remove members from the team and Project
will adjust the working hours - provided you keep to Fixed Duration.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for Project Tutorials

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