2k-XP HELP - "Format"(Now) - can't find project



IT just changed me from Office / Windows 2000 to Office / Windows XP. I got
my NOrmal.dot moved over okay. I'm trying to run a macro that has worked
well, but now errors on "Format" in the line:
strFldr = "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Folder " & Format(Now, "dd mmm
I get a message box saying "Compiler error: can't find project or library."
I checked my references - none say MISSING (except the Google search

Also, when I open a new document and hit Alt+F11, it tells me "Can't open
macro storage". I click okay - and it opens the VBE! Can anyone help?



*sigh* Never mind - I just found it. WIth a new version of Office, I needed
to set a reference to a newer version of VBA. Check the magic box, and
everything works. whoopie


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