2K3 Web Site Publish and "index_files"


John Kitsmiller

I created a web site using Publisher 2003 Beta 2 and I
really like the ease of using it and the publishing,
etc. I have run into a couple of problems that may or
may not be related.

First I found that when published it uses the original
picture sizes and fits them into the frame you have for
the picture. For example I might use a 1MB 2048x1600
picture as an original and then put it into a 160x120
fram on a page. When the site is published and a user
tries to view it, it is incredibly slow because they
first are downloading that 1MB JPEG and then processing
fitting it into a 160x120 frame. In FP2K3 I can right-
click a JPEG and resample it, but I can't find that in

So that wasn't a big deal necessarily. I figured I would
just open the site in FP2K3 and edit it and resample the
pics and whatever else I needed to do. Unfortunately
Publisher 2K3 publishes things to a directory
called "index_files" and it seems to be hidden. For an
example go to my site http://www.blarneyfarm.net and
click on any of the pages on the left and look at the
URL. I don't care that it does this really, but FP can't
find anything other than index.htm!

Any ideas?

John Kitsmiller

-----Original Message-----

The previous versions made a copy of the image and the copy was the size as
inserted on the page, if 2003 does not do so as well I hadn't noticed. I do
know 2003 will typically have more than one copy of an image as the code
will load the image best supported by the end browser.
I'll make a note to

If it does this I don't know since I can't see the files
once they are on the server. The only way I figured this
was happening was that people with slower connections
were not getting the graphics. A friend checked and even
a little picture was showing properties of 2048x1600 and
a size of over 1MB. Even now go to my site at
http://www.blarneyfarm.net and go to horses and click on
Available Horses and then choose one of the pictures. I
used an 800x600 picture and it is stuffing it into the
box it created.
look at this for myself. But if it is the case than it is by design and not
something that's gonna get changed now. The feature you speak of in FP is
not in Publisher. Please do not compare the two.

It is not a matter of comparison, but of functionality.

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