John Kitsmiller
I created a web site using Publisher 2003 Beta 2 and I
really like the ease of using it and the publishing,
etc. I have run into a couple of problems that may or
may not be related.
First I found that when published it uses the original
picture sizes and fits them into the frame you have for
the picture. For example I might use a 1MB 2048x1600
picture as an original and then put it into a 160x120
fram on a page. When the site is published and a user
tries to view it, it is incredibly slow because they
first are downloading that 1MB JPEG and then processing
fitting it into a 160x120 frame. In FP2K3 I can right-
click a JPEG and resample it, but I can't find that in
So that wasn't a big deal necessarily. I figured I would
just open the site in FP2K3 and edit it and resample the
pics and whatever else I needed to do. Unfortunately
Publisher 2K3 publishes things to a directory
called "index_files" and it seems to be hidden. For an
example go to my site http://www.blarneyfarm.net and
click on any of the pages on the left and look at the
URL. I don't care that it does this really, but FP can't
find anything other than index.htm!
Any ideas?
really like the ease of using it and the publishing,
etc. I have run into a couple of problems that may or
may not be related.
First I found that when published it uses the original
picture sizes and fits them into the frame you have for
the picture. For example I might use a 1MB 2048x1600
picture as an original and then put it into a 160x120
fram on a page. When the site is published and a user
tries to view it, it is incredibly slow because they
first are downloading that 1MB JPEG and then processing
fitting it into a 160x120 frame. In FP2K3 I can right-
click a JPEG and resample it, but I can't find that in
So that wasn't a big deal necessarily. I figured I would
just open the site in FP2K3 and edit it and resample the
pics and whatever else I needed to do. Unfortunately
Publisher 2K3 publishes things to a directory
called "index_files" and it seems to be hidden. For an
example go to my site http://www.blarneyfarm.net and
click on any of the pages on the left and look at the
URL. I don't care that it does this really, but FP can't
find anything other than index.htm!
Any ideas?