3 cells are named together - how refere to them in one chart reference field (a seriescollection(1)


Marie J-son


I have three cells named and want to use that name in a vba chart procedure
for a xl3DColumnStacked chart

ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = sheet1.Range(scol1v)

I used in the procedure:
Dim scol1v As String
Let scol1v = "ThreeValues"

Meaningless note:
I used sheet1 as Name and CodeName

In the excel GUI you find the name "ThreeValues" is defined as this

I thougt it just was to specify the sheet + name, but the debbugger doesn't
like that. what am i doing wrong? Shall I use array() or something? Please
give me a syntax or procedure that works that I can look at...


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