3-D Surface Chart or Contour Chart



I have two questions:
1) If I have a 3-D surface chart and I show it in the contour (2-D) mode, is
there a way to plot x-y points on this chart?
2) For the contour chart, is there a way to get the colors to blend between

Jon Peltier

1) If I have a 3-D surface chart and I show it in the contour (2-D) mode,
there a way to plot x-y points on this chart?

You cannot make a combination chart with a 3D chart. A contour chart is
dranw in 3D mode, but it's still a 3D chart, just viewed from on end. I've
made a very complex chart for a client that is actually two charts, a
contour chart underneath, and an XY chart with almost everything made
transparent on top.
2) For the contour chart, is there a way to get the colors to blend


- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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