Seriously-WHY is it so difficult to use WORD. If I just have a letter,
label, etc. WORD is not a problem. However, I'm trying to put together a
research proposal. I have a cover page (NO page numbers), a letter of
transmittal (page numbers in small roman numerals) Tabel of contents, table
and figures (again with small roman numerals for page #'s) and the bulk of
the propsal (Arabic page numbers). All your instructions detail methods to
avoid page numbers on title pages but NOT how to address 3 different
numbering styles. In addition, in order to use formatted Table of Contents,
one must have entire document in single word document-impossible in documents
as described above). So, my Table of Contents is jabber-wocky!!~~!~Q!!~Are
you kidd ing me!!~?? No wonder the legal profession tries to hold onto Word
Perfect. Get your act together!!! Do you even respond to these obvious
emails from very frustrated users. I loved WordPerfect....I've PAID money to
receive training in Microsoft classes, plus attended a full semester at
community college (BCIS) which provided an entire semester of
computer/Microsoft Office training PLUS was in the Networking/System
Integration career ranks for eight years up until one year ago. So, if I can
become frustrated with your product, imagine what the normal user feels!!
I dare you to respond...I know you won't. Perhaps I should join the Linux
users, or purchase WordPerfect again-forget all about you.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
label, etc. WORD is not a problem. However, I'm trying to put together a
research proposal. I have a cover page (NO page numbers), a letter of
transmittal (page numbers in small roman numerals) Tabel of contents, table
and figures (again with small roman numerals for page #'s) and the bulk of
the propsal (Arabic page numbers). All your instructions detail methods to
avoid page numbers on title pages but NOT how to address 3 different
numbering styles. In addition, in order to use formatted Table of Contents,
one must have entire document in single word document-impossible in documents
as described above). So, my Table of Contents is jabber-wocky!!~~!~Q!!~Are
you kidd ing me!!~?? No wonder the legal profession tries to hold onto Word
Perfect. Get your act together!!! Do you even respond to these obvious
emails from very frustrated users. I loved WordPerfect....I've PAID money to
receive training in Microsoft classes, plus attended a full semester at
community college (BCIS) which provided an entire semester of
computer/Microsoft Office training PLUS was in the Networking/System
Integration career ranks for eight years up until one year ago. So, if I can
become frustrated with your product, imagine what the normal user feels!!
I dare you to respond...I know you won't. Perhaps I should join the Linux
users, or purchase WordPerfect again-forget all about you.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.