3 different scales on the Y-axis



I have three different columns that I want on one chart to show that they all
follow the same trend. Is there a way to have all on a line chart but so
that the smallest numbers (last column) don't disappear into the x-axis line?
Basically want three lines but all in the middle of the chart showing spikes
& lows.

client A B C
c1 1000 100 1.0
c2 2400 200 2.0
c3 1500 150 1.5
c4 3000 300 3.0


This is almost getting there. But my problem is that the values are such
different scales that the examples given wont help. Is there some chart or
manipulation of a chart that can plot a series in the 1000s as well as a
series in the 1(ones) and not have the second series get lost making it look
like just a flat line along the bottom over the x-axis?


Ron Rosenfeld

I have three different columns that I want on one chart to show that they all
follow the same trend. Is there a way to have all on a line chart but so
that the smallest numbers (last column) don't disappear into the x-axis line?
Basically want three lines but all in the middle of the chart showing spikes
& lows.

client A B C
c1 1000 100 1.0
c2 2400 200 2.0
c3 1500 150 1.5
c4 3000 300 3.0

Perhaps you could use a logarithmic scale?

Jon Peltier

See the stacked charts example? Adjust your values (and dummy axis data
labels) so that one series is scaled from 0 to 1, the next from 1 to 2, the
next from 2 to 3.

Taking your example, I would scale A from 0 to 4000, and put it into the
bottom part of the chart (0-1), so the plotted value A' is related to A by:

A' = A/4000

I would scale B from 0 to 400 and put it into the middle part of the chart

B' = B/400 + 1

I would scale C from 0 to 0 and put it into the top part of the chart (2-3):

C' = C/4 + 2

My real Y axis would have a major spacing of 1, minimum of 0 and maximum of
3. Major Y axis gridlines would separate the chart into its three parts.

My dummy axis series would have points from 0 to 3 at every 0.25, with the
following labels in order:

0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 0, 100, 200, 300, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

- Jon

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