3 part question regarding video, audio and merging items into ppp'



Firstly, thank you for taking the time to look at my questions.

#1 if I want to burn the presentation to a disk for distribution. Can I save
the video and Audioi segments I need to use with in the presentation, on the
disk it self and direct PP to that those files on the CD itself.

#2 If this does work will there be a delay in the presentation due to seek
time by the CD-ROM?

My video starts haltingly in the middle of the presntation. Choppy right at
the beginning. Is that a RAM issue on my end or do I need to change some
settings annnnnd if so; what settings.

Thank you for you time and knowledge,

Austin Myers

Synjan said:
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to look at my questions.

#1 if I want to burn the presentation to a disk for distribution. Can I
the video and Audioi segments I need to use with in the presentation, on
disk it self and direct PP to that those files on the CD itself.

Key thing to remember is that media files are always linked, not embed in
PowerPoint. When you insert a media file you want to FIRST move it to the
same folder the presentation is saved in. THEN insert it on the slide.
When burning to CD burn the entire contents of the folder. CAUTION, the
contents, not the folder itself.
#2 If this does work will there be a delay in the presentation due to seek
time by the CD-ROM?

In most cases yes, a short one.
My video starts haltingly in the middle of the presntation. Choppy right
the beginning. Is that a RAM issue on my end or do I need to change some
settings annnnnd if so; what settings.

Do you have other things (animations) going on while the video is playing?
If so you may want to consider ways to avoid that situation. A good deal of
this also depends on what other apps you have running in the back ground.
Obviously try to eliminate all you can.

Also, what sort of media file is it? (Mpeg, WMV, AVI, etc.) That too plays
a part.

Just a suggestion, download the free trial version of PFCMedia and give it a
try. It will automate all of this (no need to move files or change links)
and process it into a format that is highly compatible with PowerPoint and
should end the stuttering. www.pfcmedia.com

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com


Thank you very much Mr. Myers. That was very helpful indeed! I will download
the suggested program and give it the old college try. I'm currently trying
to make a PPP for my wife in reference to our girls birth.

Would you be willing to preview my PPP and make any suggestions?



It is strongly recommended that you burn your PP to a DVD format video disc.
If you use our software PPT2DVD, most of the emembed audio and video in your
original PP will be well kept. And since your PP will also be converted into
MPEG-2 file first before burning, you need not to worry about the delay
between the video and original slides.

You can get a free trial copy of our software from
http://www.ppt-to-dvd.com. Any more questions about our software, please
don't hesiate to let us know. Thanks.

Austin Myers

Bad advice all the way around. Converting to a video format with this
software is at BEST a piece of kaw kaw.


With out being disrespectful. Would you/Could you qualify that. I've never
even heard of this program before. There are draw backs to using I take it?

Thank you,

Austin Myers

I need to back up here a second and apologize for the way I responded. The
problem I have with the post is that the user has a specific set of
problems, the big one being he could not play his video properly. The
process of converting that non-working presentation in to a DVD is not going
to help solve these problems.

Frankly I have seen I don't know how many posts for this product in response
to users that have real issues and the product has absolutely nothing to do
with solving them. In my book that makes it spam, but that is nothing more
than my personal opinion. Your mileage may vary. <g>

To the news group I apologizes for my less than friendly response, to the
promoters of this product I ask you to be more considerate in what, when,
and how you reply to users needs.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com


Thanks for you response. In the future, I will read all the questions more
detail before a post any reponse to this newsgroup. Thanks.

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