30 Character Magic



I have a document that has underlining that change after 30 characters,
including spaces. I will try to explain the best I can. Say for example one
section has the following; Project Name: ________ The underline portion is
about 3 inches long using a tab to control length. If I select "bold" type
and type in a project name less than 30 characters long including spaces, the
line remains thin. However, as soon as I type in that magic 30th character,
the line thickens as if it has also become bold and it prints that way also,
looking very unprofessional having some lines thin and others thick. I can
even put in just spaces and at the 30th space, the line gets thick. I like
having the filled in portion in boldface but wish the lines would just stay
their normal thickness. Any ideas, suggestions, thoughts? Hey you over
there, stop laughing.


The underline is created using Ctrl U to turn on underlining and then using
Tab to extend the line out (rather than using the spacebar). I guess this
would be the same as a tab leader. Unfortunately, I have this and others
like it (all of them change at 30 characters) already in a table cell and I
don't like getting into nested tables. The document is already quite busy at
it is and any changes to table cell heights or spacing throws the whole
document off.

Stefan Blom

in message
The underline is created using Ctrl U to turn on underlining and
then using
Tab to extend the line out (rather than using the spacebar). I
guess this
would be the same as a tab leader.

No, it's not the same as a tab leader. A tab leader is added via
Format | Tabs, and it applies only to the tab character itself (not to
the text at the tab stop).
Unfortunately, I have this and others
like it (all of them change at 30 characters) already in a table
cell and I
don't like getting into nested tables.

Well, I did some testing and I can confirm what you are seeing.
However, it doesn't seem to be related to the number of characters but
rather to the position of the tab stop: the problem seems to occur
when the typed text reaches a distance corresponding to "two tab
stops" from the left margin (for example, if the tab stop is at 1"
from the left margin, the thick underline will appear after I've typed
so much text that line length exceeds 2"). I do not know what causes
this problem. The only "solution" I know of is to use a different font
or font size instead of bold formatting.

Stefan Blom

Another thing to consider: Although visible on screen, the thick
underline may may not be noted in a printout of the document. ()f
course, this may also depend on the font and size used.)

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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