301 redirect



I have changed a page name and need to do a 301 redirect. I have read about
the .htaccess file and have the following directions "If your site's root
domain already contains a .htaccess file, you can simply scroll to the end of
whatever code is already there and append your 301 redirect code at the
bottom of the file, starting on a new line." I have no clue what this means.
have searched for the .htaccess file etc. can not find it. Maybe you could
explain how to do a 301 redirect in language that I can understand. Please.
Thanks so much

Tom [Pepper] Willett

What O/S is used by your host on the remote web site?
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
|I have changed a page name and need to do a 301 redirect. I have read
| the .htaccess file and have the following directions "If your site's root
| domain already contains a .htaccess file, you can simply scroll to the end
| whatever code is already there and append your 301 redirect code at the
| bottom of the file, starting on a new line." I have no clue what this
| have searched for the .htaccess file etc. can not find it. Maybe you
| explain how to do a 301 redirect in language that I can understand.
| Thanks so much

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