301 redirects with Frontpage and Apache Server




My website is hosted on a Apache server with Frontpage extensions. I had
recently added 2 additional poining domains to my website. I would like to
redirect my main domain name to one of the pointing domain name.


My main domain name : www.abcd.com
My 1st pointing domain: www.xyz.com
My second pointing domain: www.1234.com

Now I want www.abcd.com and www.xyz.com to be redirected to www.1234.com

I've also read that Frontpage uses its own .htaccess file, so how can I
safely use the 301 redirect with out loosing anything.



Jens Peter Karlsen[FP MVP]

Talk with your host about setting this up.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

David Baxter

It can be done but not in FrontPage itself. FP will not even allow you
to see the .htaccess file.

What you need to do is go to the site with a standalone FTP program
setup in options to show hidden files. Then find the .htaccess file in
your root directory and copy it back to your hard drive. Then make a
copy of this original file somewhere just in case.

Using the version on your hard drive, open the file in Notepad or some
other text editor. ADD the lines to the bottom of the original .htaccess
file. Save it (depending on your text editor you may have to call it
temp.htaccess or .htaccess.txt or something -- if so just change the
name after it's saved or upload it and rename it from the FTP program
later), making sure you save it in ASCII format.

Upload it to the server and make sure it works.

David Baxter

At www.abcd.com, add this line:

Redirect 301 / http://www.1234.com/

Then at www.xyz.com, add the same line:

Redirect 301 / http://www.1234.com/

This assumes that you have www.abcd.com and www.xyz.com currently
hosted. If not, you need what is called domain forwarding with the
domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy.com offers this service), so that anyone
who types in www.abcd.com or www.xyz.com gets automatically forwarded to

Incidentally, here are a couple of online generators for .htaccess



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