3061 Error


Andy Dorph

I cannot get the following to run wiuthout receiving an error message. I
have other queries exactly the same that work just fine in other forms.

I have read the other postings and ensured that the table field names and
form field names are correct.

When I copy it to SQL view and run it by clicking on the datasheet view, I
am asked for V_ID

Thanks in advance.

FYI: When I msgBox the query string it comes out just as I want it to
format. It is:

SELECT [V_Address1] FROM Vendor WHERE [V_ID] = 17

For the following, lstName is the name of a a ListBox

Dim GetVendorQuery As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
intTO = lstName.Value

GetVendorQuery = "SELECT [V_Address1] FROM Vendor WHERE [V_ID] = " & intTO
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(GetVendorQuery)

If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
txtAddress1.Value = rs![V_Address1]
MsgBox "No matching record. Please contact your Database
End If

Set rs = Nothing

Andi Mayer

I cannot get the following to run wiuthout receiving an error message. I
have other queries exactly the same that work just fine in other forms.

I have read the other postings and ensured that the table field names and
form field names are correct.

When I copy it to SQL view and run it by clicking on the datasheet view, I
am asked for V_ID
Why not go to the "Query Design" and look why the field is missing?

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