3072 Unknown Function Name



I've Converted an Access97 app to Access2K. On only one PC all format functions and functions like UCase crash with the error above! My code is move some data from one recordset to another. THe functions on in certain columns of a query.

I can call Format(date(), "mm/dd/yy") from a vba module. But if i try to reference a column in the query that is using the Format() function i get the above error.

I'm convinced its some windows library problem/corruption.

The app compiles fine after i updated all necessary library refences. I have run MDAC 2.6 SP2. (ADO2.6, DAO 3.6

Help please......thanks Joa

Allen Browne

Joan, this has all the haulmarks of a References problem.

1. From a code window, choose References on the Tools menu.

2. Deselect all the references (except Access and VBA - you can't remove

3. Close Access.

4. Open a command prompt, and re-register the libraries, e.g.:
regsvr32 "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\dao\dao360.dll"

5. Open your database, and select the references you need.

6. Compile again.

For more info on the paths to re-register for the various versions of
Access, see:

If that still fails, try a decompile.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

joan said:
I've Converted an Access97 app to Access2K. On only one PC all format
functions and functions like UCase crash with the error above! My code is
move some data from one recordset to another. THe functions on in certain
columns of a query.
I can call Format(date(), "mm/dd/yy") from a vba module. But if i try to
reference a column in the query that is using the Format() function i get
the above error.
I'm convinced its some windows library problem/corruption.

The app compiles fine after i updated all necessary library refences. I
have run MDAC 2.6 SP2. (ADO2.6, DAO 3.6)

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