3072 - Unknown Function Name




I have a client/server database application with approximately 35
users. It runs well for all but one user.

The user is running Access 2002 on Windows XP Professional.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled MS Office, but the database will not
function correctly for this one user. Simple calculations result in
#Error and the message (3072) Unknown Function Name appears on an event
as simple as Docmd.close.

I've no idea. I've checked the references and they're all correct.

Please can someone help? I think it might be a problem with Windows
rather than Access, but don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance



I have the same problem. Converted an Access97 app to Access2K. On this one PC all format functions and functions like UCase crash with the error above! The app compiles fine after i updated all necessary library refences. I have run MDAC 2.6 SP2. (ADO2.6, DAO 3.6)

Help please......thanks

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