3218 currently locked


Ivy Brember

I have a VBA rouitne that has worked for years on an Access database. The
database has been moved to a new location & when running on two of the tables
the rountine after about 490 reords have been processed says run time error
3218 currently locked. The routine continues to run well on the other table
and if I down load the database to my hard drive it runs on all three tables.
Its a student database & each student has a different number of records
depending on the number of units taken. The routine numbers the records for
each student, so it finds the student number of the first records numbers it
& compares it with the number on the next record. If they are the same it
continues with the numbering if not it starts counting again. It always
seemed to get stuck at the same record so I removed the student but it still
crashes at aboutthe same reord number. Any ideas, please its driving me mad!

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