Valerie Carroll
I really hope someone here can clear up this problem for me.
I have taken the suggestion that I upgrade Office. I have deleted all
messages off my sever AND my PC and ibook per the MS 'solution' that a
damaged message was preventing my sending messages from the ibook only.
Here is the scenario again, in brief:
DSL access, 4 PCs patched into a hub, ibook's wireless base station patched
into the hub.
All has worked fine for about 2 years.
Everything can do internet with no problems; all PCs have no trouble sending
or receiving email in their various forms - AOL (I do NOT use AOL as a
server!) Netscape's messenger, and this Ibook can receive mail - regular and
I have not changed any settings, and my firewall has been functioning
fantastically for these last 2 years.
2 weeks ago, my ibook and PC would not download emails or send emails on
Entourage or Netscape Messenger.
I called my DSL ISP, we went through all the settings for the PC, and they
were fine, and it was miraculously fine. We went through the settings for
my ibook also and they, too, are "fine" Note the quotation marks.
For the last 10 days, I have been able to download messages into Entourage,
but I cannot send any messages through it, except for messages to the
newsgroup. Why that and not anything else???
I have taken the suggestion that I upgrade Office. I have deleted all
messages off my sever AND my PC and ibook per the MS 'solution' that a
damaged message was preventing my sending messages from the ibook only.
Here is the scenario again, in brief:
DSL access, 4 PCs patched into a hub, ibook's wireless base station patched
into the hub.
All has worked fine for about 2 years.
Everything can do internet with no problems; all PCs have no trouble sending
or receiving email in their various forms - AOL (I do NOT use AOL as a
server!) Netscape's messenger, and this Ibook can receive mail - regular and
I have not changed any settings, and my firewall has been functioning
fantastically for these last 2 years.
2 weeks ago, my ibook and PC would not download emails or send emails on
Entourage or Netscape Messenger.
I called my DSL ISP, we went through all the settings for the PC, and they
were fine, and it was miraculously fine. We went through the settings for
my ibook also and they, too, are "fine" Note the quotation marks.
For the last 10 days, I have been able to download messages into Entourage,
but I cannot send any messages through it, except for messages to the
newsgroup. Why that and not anything else???