I use DAO for accessing a database. Aliases table includes [Alias], MEMO
field. For searching for a value I use FindFirst. In Office 2000 I receive
the error 3464, while in the rest of office versions is ok. What can be a
solution ?
Set db_table = db.OpenRecordset("aliases", dbOpenDynaset)
db_table.FindFirst ("Alias = " & """" & Trim(vnp_field_value) & """")
field. For searching for a value I use FindFirst. In Office 2000 I receive
the error 3464, while in the rest of office versions is ok. What can be a
solution ?
Set db_table = db.OpenRecordset("aliases", dbOpenDynaset)
db_table.FindFirst ("Alias = " & """" & Trim(vnp_field_value) & """")