4 college class presentation suggestion for template/inserting web



I have to create a powerpoint presentation for a criminal justice class
regarding presenting the information on the myth that the death penalty is
fair b/c it creates closure to the families of murder victims, describing how
and when it was created and who benefits and who is victimized. I have all
the data to input but I'm not sure of what would be an appropriate template
to use b/c I've never done a powerpoint presentation. Also, I may want to
insert some website photos and links. I know I need to get a manual, but I'm
in a crunch right now and mainly want suggestions on an appropriate template
background/style to use. I'm just unsure. Thanks for the suggesions.

James Rochford


Are you looking for specific template examples? There are many
available on the web and even some that are available from pay services.
However, if you're facing crunch time, I might suggest a black background
with, perhaps, and accent or low-key graphic. It's been my experience that
a black background not only has a professional appearance, but is much
easier on the eyes. Just be sure to avoid the standard, meeting-blue
PowerPoint background. I think the whole world is sick of it and it will
tend to put your viewers to sleep before they even get a chance to hear what
you have to say. When I see a blue PowerPoint screen with handouts that are
nothing more than copies of each of the slides, I immediately tune out.

Good luck,