4 part time code with fraction of second (hh:mm:ss:fs)



The formula maker rejects the above formula, and wont
accept any variation. It also insists on converting it
into alpha numeric date.

I I used (##:##:##:##)in Mac, but it is not accepted in
IBM format.

J.E. McGimpsey

One way:

Format/Cells/Number/Custom hh:mm:ss.00

note the use of the decimal separator for the fractional seconds.

Harald Staff

If you ever could get this to work with formatting, it still wouldn't work for edit
lists -the part after seconds are hundredths of seconds. For frames , 24, 25 or 30 / s,
you need a user defined VBA function where 23:13:22:07 is treated as a text entry and
calculated by the function. Try a google group search for "timecode":


Also, I I believe John W's PUP can do it:
see the TIMEXX_ functions at

Harald Staff

Hi J.E.

Timecode is once-a-day unique index numbering for single pictures (=frames) in film or
video. Of which there are 24 (film), 25 (PAL video) or 30 (NTSC video) per second. So
hundredths won't do for calculations. This is a marginal but growing market, someone
should create something very dedicated for Excel.

Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please.

J.E. McGimpsey

Yeah - I recognized that when you posted your reply. I didn't trip
to "timecode" in the subject.

Thanks for the correction!

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