4 separate lines of a rectangular become united un-intentionaly



I draw a rectangular by four separate lines. Upon completion, they merge to
each other automatically to form a unique rectangle. Later if I want to
enlarge one line, I can't, and all rectangle will enlarge. I have not perform
Although sometimes it is usefull but sometimes I don't want this to happen.
How can prevent/solve this issue?


Rasoul Khoshravan Azar
Civil Engineer, Osaka, Japan

Frank Wuenschel said:
Check Tools > Snap & Glue options to modify snap strength



You can also create one line, deselect it and draw the second one and so on.
In fact you must know that when creating a shape with line, arc, nurbs,
pencil tools, if you continue drawing without deselecting a previous shape
and beginning at one extremity of the previous selected shape, Visio
consider that you are continuing to create the same shape ; so if you change
the thicknew it is applied to the shape. You can be visually be warned by
the transformation of the shape from 1D to 2D (when you create the first
line you can see the extremities and as soon as you have created the second
line, the extremities disappears and only the corners are visible)
Khoshravan said:

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