4 things I cannot figure out how to do ..



Hello .. i'm pretty new to One Note 2007 and am a current user of Snag IT 9.1.

I've tried to do the following items in One Note and cannot for the life of
me figure out how to do them:

1. Save a screen shot as a image file
2. When editing an image file and adding arrows and such to the item, if I
then copy that edited item, the arrows are layered in Word or Outlook like
they appear in One Note - the arrow always drops below the image file as a
seperate image
3. When adding a text bubble ontop of the image, the image/text in the back
ground is not blocked off from the text bubble and you can see what is in
back of the text bubble
4. Can I take a scrolling capture screen shot - in other words, if i'm on a
website that scrolls down and when I take a screen shot I cannot get One Note
to caputre the information that is not being displayed due to the website
being larger than my screen.

Again, I am new at this product - and am just looking for some help to get
me over the hump.

Thanks in advance.



1. Since you are using SnagIt, Do a copy of the screen capture from SnagIt
and paste it into OneNote.

4. OneNote does not do a scrolling capture. SnagIt does. Do it in that
program and paste the results in OneNote.



We were hoping to do away with Snag IT if we can get One Note to do these
last 4 items.


John Waller

We were hoping to do away with Snag IT if we can get One Note to do these
last 4 items.

You definitely won't get a scrolling capture using OneNote 2007. Perhaps in
the next version but who knows?

That's one of the current selling points of 3rd party capture tools such as

Rainald Taesler

Mike said:
Hello .. i'm pretty new to One Note 2007 and am a current user of
Snag IT 9.1.

As you later said, you'd want to do without SnagIt:
Onenote can do screenshot natively but it does not at tall reach the
full power of a specialized application for screenshots and commenting
I for one am heavily using SnagIt besides ON and in combination with it.
I've tried to do the following items in One Note and cannot for the
life of me figure out how to do them:

1. Save a screen shot as a image file

(a) In OneNote:
Use the clipping-tool :
(aa) right click on the ON-icon in the TaskTray. In the right-click
context-menu of the icon in the TaskTray select "Options > Standard
value …" to configure the destination.
With all 3 options the captured image is sent to the clipboard and can
be pasted to the current page at the cursor's position

(bb) Click on the "clip"-icon in the main taskbar of ON.
The image will be inserted in the current page.

(b) In SnagIt just Copy the image to the clipboard and paste it into ON
( "Edit > Paste" or Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins).
2. When editing an image file and adding arrows and such to the
item, if I then copy that edited item, the arrows are layered in
Word or Outlook like they appear in One Note - the arrow always
drops below the image file as a separate image

In OneNote there is no feature for "grouping" or "anchoring" objects.

In SnagIt one can group the objects an them copy the group things to
the clipboard.
3. When adding a text bubble ontop of the image, the image/text in
the back ground is not blocked off from the text bubble and you can
see what is in back of the text bubble

I do not understand what you mean by this.
In ON there are no "text bubbles".
In SnagIt there are bubbles and one can configure the transparency.
4. Can I take a scrolling capture screen shot - in other words, if
i'm on a website that scrolls down and when I take a screen shot I
cannot get One Note to caputre the information that is not being
displayed due to the website being larger than my screen.

ON dies not have a feature fro capturing scrolling windows.
SnagIt is the only application I know which is able to do this.


John Waller

ON dies not have a feature fro capturing scrolling windows.
SnagIt is the only application I know which is able to do this.

Most 3rd party screen capture apps have scrolling window capture these days.

Rainald Taesler

John said:
Most 3rd party screen capture apps have scrolling window capture
these days.

I stand corrected. At times one gets blind if one has used a tool too
long ;-)
I've been using SnagIt for many long years and always upgraded when
there was a new version.
The new version 9.x has again gained a lot and I use it daily.


John Waller

I've been using SnagIt for many long years and always upgraded when
there was a new version.
The new version 9.x has again gained a lot and I use it daily.

Same here. I love SnagIt myself. Very quick and easy to use and so flexible.

The new Library feature in v9 is excellent.

I notice the alternatives gaining ground feature-wise all the time but
Techsmith seem to have a knack of keeping SnagIt ahead of the pack (in my
eyes anyway).

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