401(k) Workbook help...



I have a 401(k) workbook with multiple worksheets, i.e. a worksheet for
each payroll processed on a bi-weekly basis (there would be 26 at
year-end just for pay periods).

I would like to re-do my current Census worksheet (a compilation of
data for the year) that contains amounts from calculations for EE and
ER contributions, EE name, date of hire, termination date, and
MORE...for each employee from each of the payroll worksheets - that
does not need constant maintenance! :eek: I need the Census to update
when new employees are hired and added to the current payroll

When new employees are hired, they are added to the current payroll
worksheet (not to any of the numerous previous worksheets before their
hire). My list of employees is sorted by last name. When a new EE is
hired, a row is inserted for this employee.

On the Census worksheet, how do I pull the data into it without having
to create a new reference formula every time a new employee is hired?
Also, the references will be off for existing employees because I
inserted a new row for the new employee...so the row that -was-
referenced is now a -new- employee and the previous employee(s) after
that row are now off on the Census...unless I sort each and every
worksheet; which is a pain in the behind!

Can named cells be used? A 3-D reference?

This workbook is quite extensive with many employees...any help anyone
can provide will be very much appreciated!

Sorry this is so long...I am a stressed bookkeeper!! :)


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