4248 error on users machines


Joe Solarczyk


I have a VB app that opens a Word doc and replaces bookmarks with info from
a dataset. The bookmarks are located in both the header and body of the

I have tested this with both Office 2003 and Office XP on my XP and Win2K
machines and it works without a hitch. However it consistantlty gets the
4248 error on several users machines. I put trace code in and the document
opens OK but gets the error as it attempts to replace the bookmark in the

The Microsoft knowledge base doesn't seem to be of any help on this. Any
suggestions would be appreciated.



Peter Hewett

Hi Joe Solarczyk

What is error 4248???? I don't know about you but I don't carry a lexicon of Word/Com
error messages around with me!

Cheers - Peter


I have a VB app that opens a Word doc and replaces bookmarks with info from
a dataset. The bookmarks are located in both the header and body of the

I have tested this with both Office 2003 and Office XP on my XP and Win2K
machines and it works without a hitch. However it consistantlty gets the
4248 error on several users machines. I put trace code in and the document
opens OK but gets the error as it attempts to replace the bookmark in the

The Microsoft knowledge base doesn't seem to be of any help on this. Any
suggestions would be appreciated.



HTH + Cheers - Peter

Andrew Cushen

According to the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Run-time error '4248':
This command is not available because no document is
The Knowledge Base (KB) addresses your problem here:


That should be together with no spaces.

All I did was go to the KB:


, set "Select a Microsoft Product" to "All Microsoft
Products" (setting it to Word 2003 would probably work
even better) and search on "Error 4248", including the
quotes. The article above, which is specific to Word 2003,
was the 3rd one from the top.

The MSKB is your friend!


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