Bill C
I wrote a macro using Excel 5.0 and it has been running great for several
years using 5.0 but client has upgraded to newer version of Excel and
problems exist.
Dim LotReq As String
Message = "Choose ""OK"" For All Lots, Or " & Chr(13) & "Enter
Lot Number Requested."
Title = " CHOOSE LOT"
Default = "ALL"
LotReq = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
If LotReq = "" Or LotReq = False Then EndAll
The following statements are not working:
Default = "ALL" ( get error about const assignment )
If LotReq = "" Or LotReq = False Then EndAll ( stops program )
Also Excel appears to be returning "false" on this statement when Pmts =
If Pmts = False Then EndAll
I do not have access to current Excel program. Can anyone spot the problem?
Bill C.
years using 5.0 but client has upgraded to newer version of Excel and
problems exist.
Dim LotReq As String
Message = "Choose ""OK"" For All Lots, Or " & Chr(13) & "Enter
Lot Number Requested."
Title = " CHOOSE LOT"
Default = "ALL"
LotReq = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
If LotReq = "" Or LotReq = False Then EndAll
The following statements are not working:
Default = "ALL" ( get error about const assignment )
If LotReq = "" Or LotReq = False Then EndAll ( stops program )
Also Excel appears to be returning "false" on this statement when Pmts =
If Pmts = False Then EndAll
I do not have access to current Excel program. Can anyone spot the problem?
Bill C.