"550 Access denied" when publishing local to remote

  • Thread starter frustrated designer
  • Start date

frustrated designer

When I go to publish from the local to remote site, I get the message "550
Access Denied". I have had conversations with the web site provider and they
say that is from my computer. I would like to know what the message means
and how I can publish my updates on my website.

Stefan B Rusynko

Can you open your online site in FP using File Open Site or browsing to it in IE and using File Edit w/ FP?
- If so try reverse publishing in FP 2003

| When I go to publish from the local to remote site, I get the message "550
| Access Denied". I have had conversations with the web site provider and they
| say that is from my computer. I would like to know what the message means
| and how I can publish my updates on my website.


Some hosts use 550 error to indicate invalid file/folder names.
Depending on the host server, invalid names will have one or more of
the following:

Spaces in the name

Non - alphanumeric characters (though hyphen - and underline _ are
normally acceptable)

Name is too long. Some servers limit name length to 32 characters.
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

"frustrated designer" <frustrated (e-mail address removed)>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

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