mvdb_help said:
whenever I try send mail
550 Recipient Rejected: Sorry, you cannot send mail from your ISP due to a
high abuse complaint rate
Since in another post you mention using different Internet providers
then the error message is being issued by whomever's e-mail service you
are using which is the same no matter which ISP you are using. That
error is being issued by the e-mail service provider (ESP) that you are
using. You have exceeded their anti-abuse quota for a free or personal-
use account. You never bothered to mention who is your ESP. Talk to
Actually this doesn't sound like you exceeded their anti-abuse or anti-
spam quotas. It sounds like recipients of your e-mails have claimed
that you spammed them. It is possible that a spammer is using your
e-mail address and that the recipients are boobs that don't know how to
interrogate the headers to trace through the Received headers to see
from where the spam actually originated. However, that still means you
will have to take the complaint issue up with whomever is your ESP.
They received complaints against e-mails that the recipients *claim*
came from your account. It's up to you to discuss the matter with your
ESP to investigate any spam exhibits that were supplied to your ESP to
provide proof that spam came from your account.