I have created an Word.Addin, in which I had to add two new Buttons in &File menu. Everyting works fine. When I close word and unregister the addin, I can still see the two new buttons that I have created using my AddIn. So in my IDTExtensibility2_OnBeginShutdown routine I had done thi
' Notify the user you are shutting down, and delete the button..
Set MyButton = oHostApp.CommandBars.FindControl(Tag:="Add Document"
oHostApp.Options.SaveNormalPrompt = Fals
When ever I close the last instance of word, then I am promptedwith the following ms
{ Normal.dot was being edited by another word.session. ID you save this document with the original name, you will overwrite any changes made in the other session
Do you want to save the document using the original name anyway
How can I stop from getting this message when I quit word
' Notify the user you are shutting down, and delete the button..
Set MyButton = oHostApp.CommandBars.FindControl(Tag:="Add Document"
oHostApp.Options.SaveNormalPrompt = Fals
When ever I close the last instance of word, then I am promptedwith the following ms
{ Normal.dot was being edited by another word.session. ID you save this document with the original name, you will overwrite any changes made in the other session
Do you want to save the document using the original name anyway
How can I stop from getting this message when I quit word