64bit folder sync


Steve Drake


Like some, I have taken the 64bit plunge.

I realy wanted to sync folders from my work PC / work Laptop and my home PC.

But, folder sync does not work with 64bit windows.

In my view this is a real weeknesss, any news as to when this will be

I am a techi, so I am happy to use any unsupported work around or tool.


James Kuchenbecker

I wish I had a reply that contained new information. However, I'm in the
same boat. I have searched for a while trying to gather information about
plans/timeline for MS to release a 64bit file sharing network update, but I
can't find anything. It would be nice to get an official word from someone
from Microsoft, or like you say, a beta workaround.


Steve Drake

It shouldn't be that hard to write a tool that gives the behavior back.

I may just create one.

Watch this spaces.

BUT.. MS PLEASE take note.

64 bit is comming.



I believe the Groove client is not meant for 64b operations. Only the Groove
Server(s) are 64b based.


Steve Drake

Yep, but groove client will run on a 64bit box using WOW.

But as the folder sync stuff is done via a driver it will only work on a
32bit box.

Groove it self works fine, the client API is done via Web Services so it
would be very possible to create a c# app that :

Monitored a folder, used the API to update grove on change.
and... used the event model in the Web Services to save files to the folder.


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