7 By 7 Rule



I need to create a slide show using the 7 X 7 RUle. Which states that each line should have a maximum of seven words, and each slide should have a maximum of seven line. Please tell me how to do that. I am getting so confused

Steve House

Seems pretty straight forward to me. Count the number of words in line and
rephrase it if it exceeds 7 words. If you have more than 7 lines on a
slide, split it into two slides.

You might get more insight posting to a newsgroup devoted to PowerPoint.
This group is specifically for Miscrosoft's Project Management application
Microsoft Project.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

sdungee said:
I need to create a slide show using the 7 X 7 RUle. Which states that
each line should have a maximum of seven words, and each slide should have a
maximum of seven line. Please tell me how to do that. I am getting so

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