7 new feature requests + older requests


Asbjoern Andersen

Here's a selection of feature requests that I really hope will be considered
for an upcoming version of OneNote:

1) "Completed on" information for checkboxes
OneNote now shows the date and time for when a line was created in the
"Created on"-field. It'd be quite convenient if it also showed a "Compled on"
field for when a checkbox has been... Well, checked. That way, it'd be easier
to keep track of when a task has actually been completed.

2) Note cleanup
After an intense note-taking session, you can often end up with a number of
note windows littered all over the page. It'd be nice if OneNote had a
feature which would allow the user to clean-up after such a session. This
could include 1) Moving note-windows next to each other and 2) removing blank
note-windows. This would give a better overview of the notes.

3) Improved image scaling.
The ability to scale images in a wonderful feature in OneNote. It makes it
extremely easy to scale down images and screen captures for archiving
However, this functionality could be further enhanced by adding two options:
A "Minimize image" which made the image as small as possible, and a "Restore
to original size"-option which allowed the user to quickly restore an image
to its original size.

4) Image rotation.
When working with scanned documents, it'd be very nice if OneNote allowed
rotation or flipping of the scanned image, in case it gets scanned upside

5) Audio logging on shared documents.
We often use OneNote for collaborating on documents and notes while at
different locations, and we use Skype for voice chat. It'd be great if
OneNote included some sort of voice chat feature which included recording the
conversation you had while working on that particular session. That way, you
could consolidate both written notes and the things you talked into one
OneNote file.

6) More detailed scanning settings.
It'd be nice to be able to define the document size when scanning a
document. As it is now, it appears that OneNote does not allow the user to
define a default page size.

7) Collapiable sub-pages.
I'm sure you've been getting this a lot, but I guess one more request for
this doesn't hurt :) It'd extremely nice to be able to make subpages
collipsable for a better note overview.

Here's a selection of feature requests I posted a while ago on Chris
Pratley's blog. I've removed those that were redundant or already mentioned
as being included in OneNote 2007:

* On-the-fly stats. It would be quite convenient to have a small box
somewhere on the page showing things such as word and character count for a
highlighted selection of text.

* Export screen captures to .png. Unfortunately not everyone uses OneNote,
so it would be very handy to be able to export a screen capture to .png or
..jpg-format when sending it by email.

* List sorting. When compiling longer lists, it'd be quite convenient to be
able to sort selections of text alphabetically (or by other criteria, if
needed) to get a better overview.

* Auto detect language. Being a bi-lingual user, my notes are often a mix of
several different languages. It would be very nice if OneNote could auto
detect what language was being entered, in the same way as Word currently

* Retain noteflags as graphics when exporting to Word. I know that Word
doesn't support the same functionality as OneNote when it comes to noteflags
- but it could still be quite relevant for a Word user to see where and what
noteflags were placed in the original OneNote note.

- Asbjoern

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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Asbjoern Andersen said:
Here's a selection of feature requests that I really hope will be
for an upcoming version of OneNote:

1) "Completed on" information for checkboxes
OneNote now shows the date and time for when a line was created in the
"Created on"-field. It'd be quite convenient if it also showed a "Compled
field for when a checkbox has been... Well, checked. That way, it'd be
to keep track of when a task has actually been completed.

OneNote 2007 shows both created and modified date/time. The modified
date/time should suffice assuming the item doesn't get changed after it's
marked complete.
2) Note cleanup
After an intense note-taking session, you can often end up with a number
note windows littered all over the page. It'd be nice if OneNote had a
feature which would allow the user to clean-up after such a session. This
could include 1) Moving note-windows next to each other and 2) removing
note-windows. This would give a better overview of the notes.

Interesting - though it might be a little difficult to figure out how those
should go together. You can do that manually, of course, though it requires
some work.
3) Improved image scaling.
The ability to scale images in a wonderful feature in OneNote. It makes it
extremely easy to scale down images and screen captures for archiving
However, this functionality could be further enhanced by adding two
A "Minimize image" which made the image as small as possible, and a
to original size"-option which allowed the user to quickly restore an
to its original size.
4) Image rotation.
When working with scanned documents, it'd be very nice if OneNote allowed
rotation or flipping of the scanned image, in case it gets scanned upside

Interesting ideas. Not currently in OneNote 2007.
5) Audio logging on shared documents.
We often use OneNote for collaborating on documents and notes while at
different locations, and we use Skype for voice chat. It'd be great if
OneNote included some sort of voice chat feature which included recording
conversation you had while working on that particular session. That way,
could consolidate both written notes and the things you talked into one
OneNote file.

You can work that out if you can get the sound output of Skype redirected to
your system microphone. You might look back thru this group - there have
been some conversations on that subject in the past.
6) More detailed scanning settings.
It'd be nice to be able to define the document size when scanning a
document. As it is now, it appears that OneNote does not allow the user to
define a default page size.

That's probably going to be the province of your scanning software. Scan it
in that software then paste the result into OneNote. That could also
resolve your question about rotating scanned images too.
7) Collapiable sub-pages.
I'm sure you've been getting this a lot, but I guess one more request for
this doesn't hurt :) It'd extremely nice to be able to make subpages
collipsable for a better note overview.

Very popular request -- not in the current build of OneNote 2007 (at least
not the build I have). That's probably the biggest UI request I have that
hasn't already been resolved.
Here's a selection of feature requests I posted a while ago on Chris
Pratley's blog. I've removed those that were redundant or already
as being included in OneNote 2007:
* Export screen captures to .png. Unfortunately not everyone uses OneNote,
so it would be very handy to be able to export a screen capture to .png or
.jpg-format when sending it by email.

What about PDF? OneNote 2007 supports that.
* List sorting. When compiling longer lists, it'd be quite convenient to
able to sort selections of text alphabetically (or by other criteria, if
needed) to get a better overview.

That would be handy.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Perhaps it could be worked out so that you could assign one language to one
color pen and another to a second (or third or forth and so forth). That way,
not only could it auto detect but searching could be more specific as well as
just the visual ques for language would be efficient.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP said:
OneNote 2007 shows both created and modified date/time. The modified
date/time should suffice assuming the item doesn't get changed after it's
marked complete.

Ah, sounds great!
Interesting - though it might be a little difficult to figure out how those
should go together. You can do that manually, of course, though it requires
some work.

I guess it could be done by consolidating all containers in, say, the
top-left corner of the note page - perhaps based on container size or perhaps
even on relative container proximity before the cleanup. That way, they
wouldn't be reordered as such, but just moved to the top for a better
Interesting ideas. Not currently in OneNote 2007.

Thanks for the info - hope they'll be included in an upcoming release.
You can work that out if you can get the sound output of Skype redirected to
your system microphone. You might look back thru this group - there have
been some conversations on that subject in the past.

Thanks, I'll have a look. However, I still think there'd be a lot of value
having this functionality built into OneNote itself.
That's probably going to be the province of your scanning software. Scan it
in that software then paste the result into OneNote. That could also
resolve your question about rotating scanned images too.

Yeah, I'll probably be able to sort this out via the scanner software
somehow - though it'd still be nice to be able to set something as basic as
document size somewhere in OneNote without having to resort to fiddling with
the scanner software.
Very popular request -- not in the current build of OneNote 2007 (at least
not the build I have). That's probably the biggest UI request I have that
hasn't already been resolved.
Ack, really hope this one makes it into the final build or a subsequent
service pack then.
What about PDF? OneNote 2007 supports that.
Yes, PDF could probably be used - though it lacks the flexibility of working
with "raw" image files such as .jpg or .png. From what I'm hearing though,
OneNote 2007 will in fact be able to save images in .png-format, so that's
great indeed.
That would be handy.
Yeah, hope this one makes one day :)

Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!
- Asbjoern


mabcymraeg said:
Perhaps it could be worked out so that you could assign one language to one
color pen and another to a second (or third or forth and so forth). That way,
not only could it auto detect but searching could be more specific as well as
just the visual ques for language would be efficient.

Ah yes, that could be a way of going about it. For me, even basic
auto-detection on a per-container basis would do for me. That way, we'd be
able to work with different languages simultaneously without all those pesky
red underlinings.

- Asbjoern

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