97 code vs. 2000 and 2002



Hi All..........
Is there any kind of program or code that can be run to check code that was
written in XL97 and see if it is compatible with XL2000 and/or XL2002? I
have a program written in 97, several years ago and has worked fine ever
since, till lately when some users have upgraded and saved the program in
their respective versions. Some of the macros are acting flaky.

Any thoughts would be appreciated....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Tom Ogilvy

Nothing I am aware of.

I think you would have to look at objects that behave differently in the
later version.

for instance

in excel 97

set rng = Range("A1,A5,A7,A11").EntireRow

would be a reference to Row(1). In xl2000 and later it would be what you

set rng = Range("A1,A5,A7,A11").EntireRow
? rng.Address

I can't say what those are off the top of my head, but it isn't many.
Perhaps a review of what objects you are working with.


Thanks Tom..........I guess it was just wishful thinking.........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Jim Thomlinson

The only change that I am aware of where the code is drasticaly different is
in pivot tables. In 2002 MS implimented a new pivot table engine and as a
result the code is a bit different. If you have pivot table code then you
need to rework it. Otherwise there are a few changes as Tom mentions.

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