97 to 2K conversion; OLE objects



I've converted a very simple single-table Access97 db (now
with about 4500 records) to Access2000 by importing the 97
table into 2000. It contains fields which include OLE
links to MS Photo Editor files, Word files and Acrobat PDF

When I try to switch between records that contain the MS
Photo Editor linked files, the system hangs up for about 5
minutes, then eventually makes the switch and the Photo
Editor object can be viewed just fine. Switching between
records containing OLE links to Acrobat or Word files is
lightning fast and works perfectly. The same behavior is
observed either in a form view or in the table itself.

The workstation OS is Windows2000, and the system is
running on a Novell network, with the data residing on a
shared network drive.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I've tried lots of
remedies so far, but to no avail. Thanks.

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