a) b) c) fomat lost reopening document



Word 2003. I have a document with many a),b),c) sub-
paragraphs. I format them, save the document, and when I
reopen the document some, not all, of that formatting is
missing, and goes to no letters at all! Also, even if
I "reset" my bullets and numbering to make a,b,c my
default, I often get 1,2,3 arbitrarily. HELP! Thanks.

Robert M. Franz

Hi Joan
Word 2003. I have a document with many a),b),c) sub-
paragraphs. I format them, save the document, and when I
reopen the document some, not all, of that formatting is
missing, and goes to no letters at all! Also, even if
I "reset" my bullets and numbering to make a,b,c my
default, I often get 1,2,3 arbitrarily. HELP! Thanks.

See the section on "Numbering, bullets, Headings, Outlines" (by Shauna

And if you (ever! :)) need more food for thought:

Word's numbering explained (by John McGhie)
How to do it in VBA (by Dave Rado)


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