I have this Select Case statement that works but I was wondering if
there is a better way to code this. I have ten of these on a number
pad, one for each number 0 to 9,
It takes the first number and places it in a phone format (000)-000-0000
in the first digit as such (100)-000-0000
Then takes the second number and places it as such (110)-000-0000
So on and so forth.
After it places the final digit it stops any further input.
Any suggestions welcome.
Thank You
Select Case Me.TxtCount
Case 10
Case Else
Me.TxtHidden = Me.TxtHidden & 1
Me.TxtCount = Len(Me.TxtHidden.Value)
Dim strX As String
Select Case Me.TxtCount
Case 1
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000000000"
Case 2
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00000000"
Case 3
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0000000"
Case 4
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000000"
Case 5
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00000"
Case 6
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0000"
Case 7
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000"
Case 8
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00"
Case 9
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0"
Case 10
strX = TxtHidden.Value
'Case Else
' MsgBox "Stop"
End Select
Me.LblDisplay.Caption = Format(strX, "(000)-000-0000")
End Select
there is a better way to code this. I have ten of these on a number
pad, one for each number 0 to 9,
It takes the first number and places it in a phone format (000)-000-0000
in the first digit as such (100)-000-0000
Then takes the second number and places it as such (110)-000-0000
So on and so forth.
After it places the final digit it stops any further input.
Any suggestions welcome.
Thank You
Select Case Me.TxtCount
Case 10
Case Else
Me.TxtHidden = Me.TxtHidden & 1
Me.TxtCount = Len(Me.TxtHidden.Value)
Dim strX As String
Select Case Me.TxtCount
Case 1
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000000000"
Case 2
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00000000"
Case 3
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0000000"
Case 4
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000000"
Case 5
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00000"
Case 6
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0000"
Case 7
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "000"
Case 8
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "00"
Case 9
strX = TxtHidden.Value & "0"
Case 10
strX = TxtHidden.Value
'Case Else
' MsgBox "Stop"
End Select
Me.LblDisplay.Caption = Format(strX, "(000)-000-0000")
End Select