Dan the Man
Not exactly sure how to come up with the proper formula, but I do know the
requirements that I'm looking for. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
I have two columns of data, and 5000 rows. The Columns are (M) and (AC)..
Each cell in Columns (M) and (AC) have numerical values of 5, 10 & 15 in
them. Upon admission we ask individuals to rate their response to a
statement, and upon discharge we re-rate them in order to see if their was a
shift in their responses based upon what they learned.
Thus I'd be comparing the admission response in Column (M), to the discharge
response in Column (AC), by subtracting the "discharge response (AC), from
the Admission response (M).
The other two variables include that individuals are in different programs,
and I want to also compare the responses obtained across programs. I have
come up with part of a formula, but I know I don't have the entire thing
accurate. Any help would be appreciated. Here's is the the array formula that
have so far (which doesn't really work correctly however).
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw Data'!W4:W5000>=DATE(2008,1,1)),--('Raw
Data'!W4:W5000<=DATE(2008,12,31)),--('Raw Data'!D45000="CIC"),--('Raw
Thus, the Columns in the formula are taking into consideration: Date
parameters (Column W), the program assignment (Column D), and the response to
the question (Column AC is the discharge response, and Column M the admission
requirements that I'm looking for. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
I have two columns of data, and 5000 rows. The Columns are (M) and (AC)..
Each cell in Columns (M) and (AC) have numerical values of 5, 10 & 15 in
them. Upon admission we ask individuals to rate their response to a
statement, and upon discharge we re-rate them in order to see if their was a
shift in their responses based upon what they learned.
Thus I'd be comparing the admission response in Column (M), to the discharge
response in Column (AC), by subtracting the "discharge response (AC), from
the Admission response (M).
The other two variables include that individuals are in different programs,
and I want to also compare the responses obtained across programs. I have
come up with part of a formula, but I know I don't have the entire thing
accurate. Any help would be appreciated. Here's is the the array formula that
have so far (which doesn't really work correctly however).
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw Data'!W4:W5000>=DATE(2008,1,1)),--('Raw
Data'!W4:W5000<=DATE(2008,12,31)),--('Raw Data'!D45000="CIC"),--('Raw
Thus, the Columns in the formula are taking into consideration: Date
parameters (Column W), the program assignment (Column D), and the response to
the question (Column AC is the discharge response, and Column M the admission