in my company we are using Reporting services on SQL server 2000 and I made
a nice report with tables and charts about our sales data and financial
state. Every night the report is mailed (rendered as "web arhive") to
responsible persons and whole process was OK till we changed Outlook 2003
to Outlook 2007.
At the end of the autoatically generated report it is a chart and a table
parallely and if I open a report sent by email in Outlook 2003 I can see
bothe the chart and the table . In the Outlook 2007 but the chart is somehow
broken and only the top part of the chart is visible. Sometimes a half,
sometimes less. The table near the chart is but intact. It is interested
that I can select the unfinished chart from the open email and I can copy it
to the word document and it is visible there in the whole integrity.
I found a work-around with setting the chart and table one after another but
this bug still disturb me.
Is there enybody who knows more about this feature?
in my company we are using Reporting services on SQL server 2000 and I made
a nice report with tables and charts about our sales data and financial
state. Every night the report is mailed (rendered as "web arhive") to
responsible persons and whole process was OK till we changed Outlook 2003
to Outlook 2007.
At the end of the autoatically generated report it is a chart and a table
parallely and if I open a report sent by email in Outlook 2003 I can see
bothe the chart and the table . In the Outlook 2007 but the chart is somehow
broken and only the top part of the chart is visible. Sometimes a half,
sometimes less. The table near the chart is but intact. It is interested
that I can select the unfinished chart from the open email and I can copy it
to the word document and it is visible there in the whole integrity.
I found a work-around with setting the chart and table one after another but
this bug still disturb me.
Is there enybody who knows more about this feature?