I found that the Revisions object sometimes returns wrong Revision objects
with a given item index. For example, try the following macro:
Sub TestRevision()
Dim Rev As Revision
Set Rev = Selection.Range.Revisions(1)
MsgBox "Revision: Type = " + Str(Rev.Type) + ", Range = " +
Str(Rev.Range.Start) + " - " + Str(Rev.Range.End)
End Sub
with a given item index. For example, try the following macro:
Sub TestRevision()
Dim Rev As Revision
Set Rev = Selection.Range.Revisions(1)
MsgBox "Revision: Type = " + Str(Rev.Type) + ", Range = " +
Str(Rev.Range.Start) + " - " + Str(Rev.Range.End)
End Sub