A change of track changes



There does not seem to be a group that this question fits
into, so I am going to post it here and hope for a

Using 2002 - I have two secretaries who are having this
problem. A makes changes to a document and sends it for
review to B. B makes changes and sends it back to A. A
wants to make a change to her original change, but the
new change does not appear differently then her original
change, so when she sends this document back to B - B is
not aware that changes have been made to the original
change. A can make changes to B's work and visa
versa...but she can't make changes to her own original
changes. Confusing isn't it! But I hope that I have
conveyed this so that you understand. They don't want
to accept changes until the entire document is settled.
Is there a way to accomplish someone making changes to
their own changes and make them standout?


Lorrie, here's a clumsy, unsophisticated way to work around the problem:

If A wishes to revise her earlier changes, let her adopt a new identity.
Tools > Options > User Information. In the Name: field enter A2.

Changes she makes as A2 will be displayed in a different color from those
she makes as A.

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