A correct formula gives an incorrect figure



In a payrol sheet I am adding a row of numbers calculating the amount paid in
one month. There are 4 numbers all ending in 1. the formula I used to
calculate is a very basic formula. It is =SUM(G10:G14). Instead of giving
me the last number as 4, it gives me a 5.

Franz Verga

GarMcCas said:
In a payrol sheet I am adding a row of numbers calculating the amount
paid in one month. There are 4 numbers all ending in 1. the formula
I used to calculate is a very basic formula. It is =SUM(G10:G14).
Instead of giving me the last number as 4, it gives me a 5.

Maybe the numbers have also a decimal hidden part...

Hope I helped you.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Franz Verga from Italy

Michael M

In that case it must be rounding !!
Have a look at your data to be summed and see if it is calculating to more
decimal places than appears on the screen by formatting the cell that is
giving you the wrong answer and see if it is formatted to enough decimal

Michael M


I did find the error, there were numbers not showing, I went into options on
the tools area and checked calculations, and clicked precision as displayed

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