A couple RTD related questions, plus VBA timer object




I'm writing VBA macros and using an RTD source written in VC++.
I've got a handle on most of it, but have a few problems.

1. In my macro, I need to run a continuous loop. of the type
do while DoEvents() =
processing ...

I'm able to break out of the loop successfully by using a sto
button, but the RTD data stops coming in once I'm in the loop. Why i
that, and how can I avoid that?

2. Is there a way to use a VB style timer rather than a loop? I can'
believe they omitted the timer from the control toolbox (counting of
time won't work for my purposes).

3. How can I access the classes and methods from RTD source? I hav
another Excel sheet with macros that does this, and I can't see wha
I'm doing differently. I've tried adding what I thought were th
appropriate addins, to no avail.

any help is greatly appreciated.




Thanks ... but it doesn't seem to completely work. I placed the ocx i
the sys32 folder and registered it. I then registered it as a custo
control in Excel using the 'More Controls' panel of the toolbox, afte
which it was available as VBAtimer.timer under More Controls (but n
Clock icon on the toolbox). I was able to add it to the form from ther
... but it didn't seem to do anything. I checked, it was enabled.

Using the toggle sample program, the current time: message never showe
up. The CmdButton procedure did toggle the timers enable and reset it'
interval though.

Any ideas?


Robin Hammond


Not really. It's odd that it is showing up in the control list but that the
bitmap is not being added to the toolbox. Do you get an empty picture?
Somehow you need to draw the control onto the form. I have just tested it on
a clean machine in Office 2003 and Win XP and it works fine. Let me know
what version of Excel and Windows and I'll try it on your platform
combination on my test machine and see what happens.

Robin Hammond

Robin Hammond

Just a thought. Did you download the compiled version, or the source code?
If you got the source code version there's a note at the bottom of the web
page about resetting the path to the bitmap which might explain why there is
not image on the toolbox.

Robin Hammond

Robin Hammond said:

Not really. It's odd that it is showing up in the control list but that
the bitmap is not being added to the toolbox. Do you get an empty picture?
Somehow you need to draw the control onto the form. I have just tested it
on a clean machine in Office 2003 and Win XP and it works fine. Let me
know what version of Excel and Windows and I'll try it on your platform
combination on my test machine and see what happens.

Robin Hammond

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