A curious note found in report's code sheet



' Not exactly related to the Header formatting, but
more to the report opening process, the Where Clause
' passed to the DoCmd.OpenReport isn't available
to this code sheet until the time we're about to format
' the header section...... I don't know why.

The above note was found in the "ReportHeader_Format"
sub. The only code in the sub is:

If Duplex = True Then
Inc = 3
PgNo = Mid(Me.Filter, InStr(Me.Filter, "R") + 1, 1) - Inc
Inc = 1
PgNo = 0
End If

Which has nothing to do with the header formatting, as
the note implies. So, my question is: What is the answer
to the question posed by the code's author, "I don't know
why". The implication is that the code was originally included
in the OnOpen sub and the "filter" expression wasn't yet
available.........I'm just guessing that was the case?


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