<= a date to include all the records (time problem)


Song Su

I have two combo boxes to allow user to select date range. My LogInTime
field has date and time. My following query would not select [cboTo] date,
only the day earlier. (If user, for example, select 7/20/07 in the cboTo, it
only displays records upto 7/19/07). If I add [cboTo]+1 and it says it's too

SELECT Log.LoginTime
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And


Not sure but try this
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu]![cboFrom] And

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Song said:
I have two combo boxes to allow user to select date range. My LogInTime
field has date and time. My following query would not select [cboTo] date,
only the day earlier. (If user, for example, select 7/20/07 in the cboTo, it
only displays records upto 7/19/07). If I add [cboTo]+1 and it says it's too

SELECT Log.LoginTime
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Song Su

If my cboFrom and cboTo are not same day, it works fine. If they are same
day, no result shows in the query even though records exist.

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com said:
WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Song said:
I have two combo boxes to allow user to select date range. My LogInTime
field has date and time. My following query would not select [cboTo] date,
only the day earlier. (If user, for example, select 7/20/07 in the cboTo,
only displays records upto 7/19/07). If I add [cboTo]+1 and it says it's

SELECT Log.LoginTime
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

Between is supposed to be inclusive. If you change the cboFrom by one day
does it then also pick up the records from that single day you said had

Song said:
If my cboFrom and cboTo are not same day, it works fine. If they are same
day, no result shows in the query even though records exist.
WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Douglas J. Steele

Between is inclusive, but since LogInTime contains both date and time, and
cboFrom and cboTo only include date, it's necessary to increment cboTo.

You need

WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
DateAdd("d", 1, [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo]);


WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1;

should have worked.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com said:
Between is supposed to be inclusive. If you change the cboFrom by one day
does it then also pick up the records from that single day you said had

Song said:
If my cboFrom and cboTo are not same day, it works fine. If they are same
day, no result shows in the query even though records exist.
WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

Wouldn't the DateValue() function strip out the time portion so you could
compare date to date?
Between is inclusive, but since LogInTime contains both date and time, and
cboFrom and cboTo only include date, it's necessary to increment cboTo.

You need

WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
DateAdd("d", 1, [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo]);


WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1;

should have worked.
Between is supposed to be inclusive. If you change the cboFrom by one day
does it then also pick up the records from that single day you said had
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, you're absolutely right. I missed the DateValue there.

However, applying DateValue to each row can be "expensive". It's far better
not to use the DateValue function, and add 1 to the End Date, since that
will only be executed once:

WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And DateAdd("d", 1,


WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com said:
Wouldn't the DateValue() function strip out the time portion so you could
compare date to date?
Between is inclusive, but since LogInTime contains both date and time, and
cboFrom and cboTo only include date, it's necessary to increment cboTo.

You need

WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
DateAdd("d", 1, [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo]);


WHERE DateValue(Log.LoginTime) Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1;

should have worked.
Between is supposed to be inclusive. If you change the cboFrom by one
does it then also pick up the records from that single day you said had
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

Thanks Doug. Very good point but wouldn't you then pick up additional data
from the next day since Between is inclusive? Maybe switch to >= and <??
Sorry, you're absolutely right. I missed the DateValue there.

However, applying DateValue to each row can be "expensive". It's far better
not to use the DateValue function, and add 1 to the End Date, since that
will only be executed once:

WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And DateAdd("d", 1,


WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1
Wouldn't the DateValue() function strip out the time portion so you could
[quoted text clipped - 21 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

Douglas J. Steele

Remember that the date data type is an 8 bytes floating point number, where
the integer portion represents the date as the number of days relative to 30
Dec, 1899, and the decimal portion represents the time as a fraction of a
day. In other words, 2:00 AM is stored as .083333, 4:00 AM is stored as
..166667, 6:00 AM is stored as .25 and so on. A date without a time is
midnight of that date (i.e.: the exact moment when the calendar changes from
the previous day to the given date). The odds of having an entry for
LoginTime with that precise time is extremely low, so it's usually
considered reasonable.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com said:
Thanks Doug. Very good point but wouldn't you then pick up additional
from the next day since Between is inclusive? Maybe switch to >= and <??
Sorry, you're absolutely right. I missed the DateValue there.

However, applying DateValue to each row can be "expensive". It's far
not to use the DateValue function, and add 1 to the End Date, since that
will only be executed once:

WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And DateAdd("d",


WHERE Log.LoginTime Between [Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And
[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboTo] + 1
Wouldn't the DateValue() function strip out the time portion so you
[quoted text clipped - 21 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

D'oh! I knew that...I knew that! Thanks for the clarification Doug. 8^)
Remember that the date data type is an 8 bytes floating point number, where
the integer portion represents the date as the number of days relative to 30
Dec, 1899, and the decimal portion represents the time as a fraction of a
day. In other words, 2:00 AM is stored as .083333, 4:00 AM is stored as
.166667, 6:00 AM is stored as .25 and so on. A date without a time is
midnight of that date (i.e.: the exact moment when the calendar changes from
the previous day to the given date). The odds of having an entry for
LoginTime with that precise time is extremely low, so it's usually
considered reasonable.
Thanks Doug. Very good point but wouldn't you then pick up additional
[quoted text clipped - 22 lines]
WHERE (((Log.LoginTime)>=[Forms]![MainMenu].[cboFrom] And

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