Simon Amrein
Hy Together
For an interal research, I've to do a research about Collaboration-Tools...
Now, I have some simple questions about the new Groove 2007...
- Is there a support for application / desktop - Sharing within a chat?
- Is there any opportunity for a Video-Conference?
- What's about encryption within a chat?
- Is there a Chat / Event- Historie?
- Is there a upper limit within a Conference?
- What's about the voice quality if I have a Voice-Conference?
Thanks for any help!
For an interal research, I've to do a research about Collaboration-Tools...
Now, I have some simple questions about the new Groove 2007...
- Is there a support for application / desktop - Sharing within a chat?
- Is there any opportunity for a Video-Conference?
- What's about encryption within a chat?
- Is there a Chat / Event- Historie?
- Is there a upper limit within a Conference?
- What's about the voice quality if I have a Voice-Conference?
Thanks for any help!