A faster way to auto-fill (XML, maybe?)



Seven teams have their productivity statistics logged daily. The person who
entered the data only entered the date once for the first team, then skipped
seven lines and entered the next date. I am trying to do a pivot chart/table
for each month's data, and the blank lines in the date column are giving me
trouble. Each month has its own worksheet, and the worksheets are set up
like this:
Column A: Date
Column B: Team Number
Column C: Daily Goal
Column D: Daily Achieved
Column E: Over/Under Goal
And the data looks like this:
8/1/08 1 10 10 0
2 15 10 -5
3 25 30 5
(through team seven)
8/2/08 1 15 15 0
2 12 12 0
3 25 20 -5
I can manually copy, paste, auto fill for each day. Is there some code that
could speed this up? XML? VBA? If not, I can do it by hand.
Thank you!

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