A few questions about corruption


Jay Jones

1) How can I tell if a back end database has been

2) When I compact and repair (AC2000) a replicated design
master, It finishes without error, however the tables are
not replicated anymore. Why is this?

3) If I suspect that database is corrupt, I've been told
to import all of the tables to a new database. When I do
this the tables are not replicated. If I create a
replica from this new DB is this essentially the same as
the origional DB but uncorrupted? Are the indexes and
record links the same? What about any of the hidden or
system tables?

Joan Wild

I suggest you ask in the replication newsgroup...

Tony Toews

Jay Jones said:
1) How can I tell if a back end database has been

See the Corruption Symptoms page at my website.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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