A formula referencing another



Morning (depending where you are...:)

Using the following to zero figures when it's a Monday:
where B18 is this:
=IF(C18="","",WEEKDAY(C18)+1) and formatted "ddd"

It doesn't work (I think) because it doesn't actually state "Mon" in the
cell. If I manually type "Mon" in, it works fine.
Is there a work around for this type of issue?

Thanks in advance


Good Morning, Jock - you could try this:


if B18 contains a date. I imagine there was a typo in your post - you
can't have D18<"" (well, you can, but it doesn't mean anything).

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

would be one option, but I don't see what you're doing with B18. You are
putting into B18 a number from 2 to 8, rather than a date. You're probably
only getting away with it because Excel treats 1st Jan 1900 as a Sunday,
when it was actually a Monday.


Thanks Pete, works a treat.
Incidentally, the D18=<"" bit was correct; I'd initially set it up as > but
this gave me the #value error. Funny old game....
Traa Dy Liooar


Pete_UK said:
Good Morning, Jock - you could try this:


if B18 contains a date. I imagine there was a typo in your post - you
can't have D18<"" (well, you can, but it doesn't mean anything).

Hope this helps.


Sandy Mann

Jock said:
Traa Dy Liooar

Isn't there still a law in the Isle of Man whereby they shoot scotsmen or
something? <g>


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

Mike H

It's still legal to kill a Welshman abroad in the streets of Chester after
dusk if that's any good;)



Gone a bit off topic there....lol
Yes, I'm sure there's some truth in what you say Sandy as I've heard that
before. Being a Jock however, I'm permanently on the lookout for possible
vigilante nutters!!
Mike's theory seems a bit adventurous though, but, what the hey......

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