A general question about editing current list via UserForm



I wished I could do this in Access, but I'm the only one in the dept
who has it. And, what I'm designing will be used by others. So, I have
to try to do this within Excel.

The user will flip through a report at the end of the day. He will
enter PO numbers on a UserForm that will cause the line with that PO#
to be moved to another sheet. I think I can get this part done (albeit
with crude coding). While flipping through the report, the user might
also need to edit existing lines. In my dreamworld, I would like to
have a different TextBox in that UserForm where the user can enter a
PO#, then click a button next to it that will let the user edit any of
the cells in that line the PO is in.

When that button to edit is clicked, I would like for any of the
TextBoxes already filled in on the original UserForm to be applied to
their appropriate destinations. Then another UserForm comes up, with
all the fields populated with the data on that PO line just requested.
Something tells me this is either not doable, or else will require some
rapid expansion of knowledge on my part.

Once the editing is completed, the 1st UserForm comes back for more
entries of lines to move, or edit. Again, the easy part.

Before I decide how much time I will spend on this part of my overall
project right now, I would like anyone to please let me know 1st of all
if any of my hopeful assumptions above are out of the question. Can I
have a UserForm come up where the fields will be populated with a
current record based on the user's selection?

If not, maybe you can give me an idea of key terminology I need to
understand before trying to get this done in another way. Just trying
to get a feel for how much time I will need to devote to this.

It may be alot of info I'm asking for. But, if anyone cares to chime
in, I would appreciate it.

Tom Ogilvy

It should be very doable.

XL97: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data

XL2000: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data


See this tutorial here

How to use Visual Basic for Applications examples to control UserForms in
Microsoft Excel

XL97: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q161514)

XL2000: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q213749)

Here are some other sources of information:

Lesson 11: Creating a Custom Form
Excerpted from Microsoft® Excel 97 Visual Basic® Step by Step.

How to use Visual Basic for Applications examples to control UserForms in
Microsoft Excel

File Title: Microsoft(R) Visual Basic(R) for Applications Examples for
Controlling UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97
File Name: WE1163.EXE
File Size: 161742 bytes
File Date: 05/08/97
Keywords: kbfile
Description: This Application Note is an introduction to manipulating
UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97. It includes examples and Microsoft Visual
Basic for Applications macros that show you how to take advantage of the
capabilities of UserForms and use each of the ActiveX controls that are
available for UserForms

Peter Aiken Articles:
Part I
Part II

http://maths.sci.shu.ac.uk/units/ioa/ <- Excel VBA tutorial


Tom Ogilvy

"JulieD" <Jul...@


Thanks Tom.
So, I take it I CAN bring up a UserForm, and have the fields poplulated
with a record already on the worksheet.
Thanks for all the info. Appreciate it.


Tom Ogilvy

If you write the code to do it, sure. That is one of the prime functions
of userforms.


Thanks. I was under the impression that the data could flow from the
userform to the sheet, not the other way around.

Thanks for the help.

Tom Ogilvy

If you link cells to textboxes, it is a two way street. However, linking
doesn't appear to be appropriate here since you are using it as an interface
to both retrieve and write data to changing locations. So you just write
the code to do what is appropriate at the time.

John Walkenbach has a free addin that performs like the Form option under
the Data menu. He has enhanced the functionality.


He charges $20 to get access to the code I believe, but if you just want to
see what a userform can do in a database situation somewhat similar to what
you describe, you can download and try this out. It may even be what you

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